Monday, March 16, 2009

Homeschooling - Memorization System Tutorial

These supplies are all you need for making an amazing memorization system.

  • 4x6 Index cards

  • 4x6 Dividers

  • An index card box
It is frustrating for our children to memorize something and then forget it. This system solves that forgetting problem. Even if they memorized something three years ago ,when they were only 2, they will still remember it if you are faithful with this system.

Are you ready?

This post has moved to our new homepage, read the rest of the Memorization System Tutorial or visit the new Raising Olives homepage.


Wendi@EveryDayMiracles said...

What a neat and organized system! I'm so glad you shared it.

Thank you so much for the comment you left on my organization post. I am so just in the beginning of getting things organized, but I am trying! :) You can certainly link to me any time - thanks for asking.

Nikki said...

Fantastic system! I cannot wait to get started. You did an excellent job of explaining it.

Mandy said...

This is great! Love it! I'm going to do it right now with my own verses! it's your turn, do share how you got this great 3 column blog and long header?!