Monday, March 2, 2009

Not Me Monday

I did not allow the ant farm on the table during dinner, nope not me. Who wants to eat while watching a bunch of ants scurrying and digging, well, except for my husband and 9 children?

When I discovered that the children were digging their hole to China at the base of our slide, I was not less-than-thrilled. I mean who wouldn't want to slide all the way to China? I am not going to make them fill in their giant hole and start all over again, back in the woods, not me.

I did not dress my 10 month old in a Christmas outfit in March. I always dress my children in season appropriate clothing and their outfits always match.

I do not encourage allow our 2 year old to run around in his underwear just because I think he looks way too cute in his boxer briefs.

When I brought the rug in from the deck rail, I did not discover bird poop on it. I am a devoted mother, so did not balk at the idea of cleaning up after a BIRD.

When packing for our trip I did not forget to pack my hose and shoes for church. After all I only had one outfit to pack.

When I took my camera outside to play a game with the children, one of the children did not ask if we were doing it for the blog.

If you are curious about homeschooling or how we manage our large family, you can click any of the category words in the sidebar to see more. Some of our most popular posts are The Schedule and Daily Chores.

For more "Not Me! Monday" fun, visit MckMama on her blog.


Anonymous said...

What adorableness! We were just talking about your sweet family with some friends last night. You are such a blessing to us!

Renee N.

purejoy said...

nine kids?? okay, i will never complain about two ever again!! what a sweet post, and i think dressing your children in ho-ho attire is inspiring and reminscint of times gone by. think of it as extending the holiday of joy!!

Natalie said...

What a beautiful family. We currently have 4 children and we too are homeschooling. How great to have such a large family.
God Bless,

Natalie in CA

Anonymous said...

visiting here for read your post.


Eva said...

Nice to meet you... we homeschool too.

Anonymous said...

I totally encourage my two year old to run around in his boxer briefs. They are just too cute!

Great not-me's.

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

I laughed out loud at your ants at the dinner table!! Your children are beautiful by the way!

Please check out my Not Me's:

Suzanne said...

Hehe! That picture is adorable. I give my stamp of approval!

likeschocolate said...

What an adorable family you have. I found your blog through a some friends of mine. Thanks for the hamburger bun recipe. I can't wait to try it.